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What is SEO Marketing?

SEO Zero8 Studios

This article explores why SEO has become a critical need for organic business growth and why it’s more relevant in 2024 than ever before. We will explain what is SEO marketing, why it’s essential, and the best practices of proper SEO compliance on your website. We further clarify the significance of keeping your SEO strategy current, as it can yield ongoing organic growth for years to come.

What is SEO?

First, let’s start out by defining it. Many of us have heard the term SEO. It seems to be a term often thrown around, but beyond the three letters, do we even understand what it is or why we need to know about it? SEO is the acronym for search engine optimization. It is a set of practices designed to improve the appearance and positioning of web pages in organic search results to optimize ranking factors. Over 3 billion searches are made every day on Google alone. So many businesses are competing for top spots on the search results page. Gaining and keeping PageRank visibility is vital. Companies will earn the visibility they deserve through expert keyword research and SEO refinement to add to their bottom line effectively. Organic search is the most prominent way for people to discover and access online content; a proficient SEO strategy is vital for improving the quality and quantity of traffic to your website. SEO is the lifeblood of your online presence.

Why do we need SEO?

A poorly maintained and non-SEO compliant site is pretty much equivalent to not having any online presence at all these days. Low rankings are a result of a lack of visibility. Achieving high rankings without clicks will not increase revenue either. Google bots take note of these types of content discrepancies & they will flag your content as irrelevant. SEO marketing is crucial when it is a marked fact that 61% of marketers believe that SEO is the key to online success. Many businesses think that a massive quantity of content or dozens of hashtags thrown at the end of your social media post is the key to being found online, while this is certainly helpful it’s far from the entire story. 

Skilled SEO providers understand that relevant content optimization is the absolute powerhouse for directing online traffic. Without utilizing an SEO strategy, it is almost impossible to gain traction and climb to the first page of Google search engine rankings. If a site is not maintained efficiently, it will drop search volume, become non-compliant, and risk losing online visibility over time.

[Analytics report showing a businesses organic SEO Growth over three months with bi-monthly content updates]

What if I build my website without keeping my SEO current?

Website maintenance and an SEO strategy need to be a paramount priority in your business. In recent years Google has implemented two separate core algorithm updates that affect this. If your site has not had a recent technical SEO audit, likely, you are already lacking in Google SEO compliance. Above all, Google takes its rules, regulations, and violations seriously, and ethical SEO is an essential requirement. Google algorithm updates can make previously optimal content instantly obsolete. Google isn’t exactly forthcoming or transparent about what makes a site appear at the top of the search engine result page (SERP). Because a website becomes a living and breathing conduit to your business, keeping your keywords fresh and relevant to your business is imperative. You can transform an average search query into a sale with pinpoint SEO along with a killer content strategy to start earning revenue. Analyzing your specific metrics and utilizing internal linking and long-tail keywords help to keep your target audience on your website and engaged. With targeted SEO aligned to a visitor’s search intent, searchers become customers. Without it, your site can lose its place by handing its ranking position over to the competition.

Why should I use White Hat SEO tactics?

A White Hat SEO technique optimizes a website for search engines with attention to relevancy and organic ranking. White hat techniques and strategies primarily focus on their human audience rather than simply focusing on search engine guidelines.

Black Hat SEO is a practice against search engine guidelines used to get a site ranking higher in search results. The term black hat originated from old western movies that used to differentiate the “good” guys from the “bad” guys, with white and black hats. Black hat techniques include keyword stuffing, cloaking, and private link networks. Black hat SEO can get you banned from most search engines.

Paid backlinks or blog content that’s keyword heavy with no relevance are examples of modern-day Black hat SEO. Anyone who comes to you saying they can boost your SEO and make you number one on Google with paid backlinks is equivalent to a scam. They promise you quality backlinks for a price, and this ends up biting you when Google’s algorithms find out, and you get hit with a heavy rank penalty. You can’t game the system because the system will evolve and eventually take all of your hard black hat work and flush it. To answer the question, don’t waste your time with black hat SEO, by using compliant and ethical white hat SEO practices, it will pay off; just be patient and play the long game.

Exactly, what is involved in SEO compliance?

Now that we’ve come this far, it’s pretty clear that SEO is a technical art form. To be SEO compliant we have added a couple of pillars to the SEO basics to really cover everything. In modern-day SEO, we convey them as follows:

  1. Technical SEO: How well your content can be crawled and indexed.
  2. On-Page SEO: The inclusion of site security, metadata, and tags.
  3. Core Web Vitals: Basically the speed at which your site loads.
  4. Off-Page SEO: Building domain authority to ensure your website’s reputation.
  5. Content Optimization: Make sure your site is performing at its best.
  6. Content Creation: The best way to organically grow your business and build your authority on its practices.

Also, for anyone interested here is a detailed breakdown too.

SEO experts have been honing and perfecting the internet and the efficacy of web searching for decades. There are countless opportunities to advance SEO compliance and searchability. The key is to find the balance that works best for you and your enterprise. It is a tango, and each process step gets your homepage a higher PageRank. With each advance of your page rank, you refine your SEO score. These advancements gradually enhance your digital marketing authority and ultimately transform clicks into dollars. Here is a high-level view of the SEO pillars and their uses. We will expand on these topics more in future articles.

Technical SEO

The basics of Technical SEO are probably the most important to include when building a business online. Technical SEO is what we consider the absolute must for any website. There are over a dozen different methods of Technical SEO that we will cover in another post, but here is what we consider the essentials. Firstly, always make sure your site is using an SSL certificate. Your certificate ensures that your site runs securely through HTTPS:// and not HTTP://. Google considers this to be a critical factor in their algorithm. Your SSL Certification needs to be a priority to ensure you are taken seriously in ranking. Once that’s done, you should focus your attention on your Local SEO. You improve your local SEO using Google Business Profile Manager and Bing Webmaster tools to connect your business to the local community. We recommend starting with Google and completing your profile there, then syncing Bing to it on a weekly interval. You want to make sure you sync your content often, as new or updated information appears on Google; just keep it to what’s reasonable. Local SEO is a far easier option to boost visibility than competing among national businesses at the startup level. Now that you have squared away your profiles and set up Google Search Console (GSC), you should check for Crawl Errors. It’s critical to make sure these platforms are not returning errors on your website, as this will negatively impact your ranking. Lastly, the most straightforward Technical SEO tactic is to upload your sitemap.xml to Google Search Console (GSC) and request a crawl for faster indexing. With these simple methods, you can keep your site at a minimum SEO compliance. Don’t forget to run monthly audits on your site to ensure it’s running smoothly.

On-Page SEO

Using powerful SEO tools such as ahrefs and semrush gives a deeper understanding of your online presence and SEO compliance. These tools evaluate your website and look through hundreds of factors from the basics of on-Page SEO, including meta tags like meta descriptions and title tags that are snippets of information used by the search engine results page (SERP). Meta tags are short content descriptors that help convey a page’s content to search engines. But it’s not all about the metadata; search engines also want to know your information is clear to your users from page titles, headings, and subheadings that display directly to the user. Lastly, an essential factor in on-page SEO is keyword phrases based on keyword research tools such as Google’s keyword planner. In the old days, you used to be able to load up your page with dozens of keywords and keyword phrases and get found. Modern SEO requires you to convey your direction. How do you want to be discovered? Essential keyword phrases are the roadmap to your discovery. Implementing key phrases and words throughout your page and within your title, h1, h2, and paragraphs guides your audience to your website. Safari Digital reported in 2022 that simply updating an existing title tag with one that’s SEO-optimized can increase page clicks by more than 437%.  The goal is to clearly define content as well as implement relevant keyword phrases related to your focus keyword outline.

Core Web Vitals

Since 2020 Google has made several changes to its algorithm, which have affected SEO in a big way. One of the most significant changes is the need for fast page speed. Google ranks your website heavily based on your core web vitals and is very important for organic website ranking. Therefore, you must optimize your page experience to increase your page speed. There are several factors involved in what constitutes a fast website in the eyes of Google. Here are the top three, page experience related items that you should consider.

  • Check Largest Contentful Paint (LCP) – This measures how well the page loads when Google users first click through. Ideally, you want your page load speed to be within 2.5s.
  • Check First Input Delay (FID) – Measures users’ page experience through interactivity. Once a user clicks on a button or link, the page should process within 100ms to be considered a responsive page.
  • Check Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS) – This measures how often the layout of a page shifts. A webpage with a sound design is more user-centric as it offers a better user experience. A score of less than 0.1 is ideal.

Off-Page SEO

Off-Page SEO encompasses everything that happens off of your website. You often want to consider this as it plays an integral role in your domain authority (DA). Promoting your site through white-hat link-building techniques can positively affect your DA score. Selecting reputable and high-scoring DA websites as your backlinks is a great way to improve your overall SEO and DA rank. In addition to link-building, it’s essential to identify your competition to make sure you’re comparing yourself to other businesses like yours. Moz has some great tools to help you understand where you stand and what you can do to improve your DA. One of the best ways to improve your domain authority is to create great content. If only it were that easy, right? Fresh, relevant, and professional content on your site is imperative to modern SEO. Great content shows search engines that you are an authority on the topic and a trusted source for information or services.

Content Optimization SEO

Content optimization is one of the more essential passes you can do for your SEO. Several factors contribute to a lower SEO score, such as slow page speed or keyword phrases that are no longer relevant. Some things to consider are the improper naming of images, the lack of alt tags, or slow content delivery due to the lack of a content delivery network (CDN) factor in your rank. However, these are only a few negative factors to consider when optimizing your content for the best possible performance and optimal SEO compliance. Outside of some of the more technical aspects of your SEO, we encourage you to claim your social profiles if you haven’t already. Social signals contributing to a page’s organic search ranking are another citation form, similar to backlinks. Your social presence is more important than you realize and should have cohesion between it and your website.

Content Creation SEO

Google and search engines alike want to know you’re the authority of your business. Just throwing a website online that says that you can do something doesn’t mean that you can as far as ranking organically is concerned. Here is where we insert “content is king” well, that’s mostly true. The more content you add to your website blog, the better right? That’s somewhat correct, although new updates to Google’s algorithms look for lots of content and lots of “relevant” content that pertains to your business. In years past, some large companies have made this fundamental mistake by producing lots of content that is far removed from their business model and wasn’t entirely relevant. So when someone says they can write you a blog these days for 50 bucks to help you rank higher on Google, think carefully before taking this deal, as it can negatively affect your Google ranking without the proper methods. Content creators such as blog writers must genuinely understand your business to ensure they don’t derail your order. Have you ever seen a blog writer send you samples of their work, and as you read, it just didn’t make sense? Yeah, avoid this practice. They are likely just trying to rank you for keyword phrases and not relevance. Generally, this happens when they try to run keywords through AI blog writing tools without the context of your business. Check out this blog post: Does AI blog writing really work? If done correctly, AI-driven content creation tools and human creativity can be a beneficial and powerful combination of resources to get your business ranking on Google. Lastly, don’t forget to share these fantastic blog posts on social media, contributing to a solid reputation online.

Why do I need an ongoing SEO strategy?

Maintaining the SEO health of your website is significant. The days of “set it and forget it” are long gone as Google likes to make updates often. It can become challenging to do regular SEO audits on your own site when you just don’t have the time, but it’s more important than you might think. As Content King points out continuous SEO framework building is centered around three dimensions of SEO.

  • Managing change: keeping tabs on what’s happening.
  • Optimizing: constantly optimize what you already have.
  • Expanding: expand on what you have.

This monthly routine can be a lot of work, especially when adding creative content like blogs and social media. Consistent blogging and social media engagement are critical in most industries. At this juncture, ensure that your content aligns with your business goals. Analyzing any areas in which growth may have declined and taking action to maximize your SEO efforts will optimize your ROI. SEO auditing and refining your online presence ensures that you gain organic traffic and create an optimal user experience.

You should perform SEO auditing monthly. These audits check for broken links, monitor inbound traffic, and analyze your bounce rate just to name a few. Editing content that has become stale or irrelevant and replacing it with fresh content that aligns with your marketing strategy is a great way to build your SEO. To finalize this routine, it’s always a good idea to keep an eye on all of your google analytics metrics to see how well your site is performing overall.

Need Help with your SEO?

For much less than the cost of an employee per month, you can get worry-free SEO services with helpful analytics reporting every month. SEO companies like Zero8 Studios offer flexible SEO plans that focus on building a solid foundation for your online success using only white hat tactics. We offer our clients countless ways to reach new customers and maintain their SEO. You can choose which SEO plan is right for your business and digital marketing objectives. With several comprehensive SEO plans, they will work to fit any need and budget–from startup (beginner) SEO campaigns to advanced growth-focused SEO strategies designed to maximize your online presence. The premium growth packages use AI-assisted creative content to bolster your business’s relevant keyword phrases. Explore affordable SEO plans and discover how Zero8 Studios can help grow your business through modern search engine optimization.

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